现在,我要分享10个创业黄金Prompts,它们涵盖了创业的方方面面,无论你是在Claude 2、Bard、Bing还是ChatGPT,都可以帮助你系统地解决创业过程中的种种难题,让创业梦想离成功更近一步!

1. 创新创业点子
Prompt: "Brainstorm innovative startup ideas that leverage the skill of [insert skill/product], and provide a comprehensive step-by-step roadmap for each startup. Outline unique marketing strategies to reach the target audience effectively and plan your financial roadmap including startup capital, operational budget, and fundraising strategies."

2. 客户沟通
Prompt: "Compose a sincere apology email to a customer who left a 1-star review for your app on the Play Store. Request the customer to provide more details about their issue so that you can promptly resolve it. Also, prepare a sales and distribution strategy, determining your main sales channels, setting pricing strategies, and explaining how to build and maintain a distribution network."

3. 讲座大纲
Prompt: "Develop a detailed lecture outline that covers all necessary topics within a strict time limit of one hour. Additionally, if you have any additional suggestions or assistance for my guest lecture, please feel free to provide them. Consider legal compliance including company formation, intellectual property protection, contract review, and risk mitigation strategy."

4. 招聘过程
Prompt: "Design three progressively challenging rounds to evaluate top candidates for the [insert role]. These rounds should assess their deep knowledge in [insert abilities]. "

5. 写作帮助
Prompt: "Act as a proofreader and writer by editing the provided extract and provide a comprehensive list of improvements made. Please ensure that all relevant changes are incorporated."

6. 产品反对意见
Prompt: "Identify potential objections that customers may have towards the [product/service] and provide a step-by-step guide on how to effectively address those objections in a manner that will enhance customer satisfaction and appreciation for the [product/service]. Discuss how you would use the market research data to optimize product design and marketing strategy."

7. 商业决策分析
Prompt: "Conduct a thorough analysis of the [business] and the proposed [decision], outlining the potential advantages and disadvantages that would arise if the [decision] were to be implemented within the [business]. Further, describe your product development process including needs gathering, product design, prototype testing, and product iteration."

8. 商业模式改进
Prompt: "Perform a comprehensive analysis of the [business] and its existing business model. Evaluate the market landscape and identify any weaknesses or flaws that could potentially lead to business failure or hinder its growth and progress."

9. 发布演讲
Prompt: "Create a comprehensive launch speech for the introduction of [product/business]. In your speech, emphasize the core values and principles of the [company or niche], while also addressing a prevalent problem or mistake. The goal is to present the [product/business] as a solution to this problem or mistake."

10. 蓝海战略
Prompt: "Implement the blue ocean strategy to identify and develop new markets and niches for the [business]. Apply this strategy specifically to the [business], and present the results in a clear and organized tabular format."
