根据网络安全公司 SlashNext 的相关报道,该公司在研究 AIGC 在互联网犯罪方面的潜在风险时,偶然发现了 WormGPT:“我们最近通过一个与网络犯罪有关的著名在线论坛获得了一个名为 ‘WormGPT’的工具,它是一个 GPT 模型的黑帽替代品。”
据悉,WormGPT每月收取用户60欧元(潘哥刚查的汇率,大概折合人民币 479 元),SlashNext公司对WormGPT的描述是:“专为恶意活动而设计”,简直是“互联网罪犯的武器库”。
据说,WormGPT是由一位黑客设计的,他自称:“该项目(WormGPT)旨在提供 ChatGPT 的替代方案,让你做各种非法的事情,你能想到的所有与黑帽相关的事情,都可以用 WormGPT 完成。”

为了证明他的说法,该黑客还上传了相关截图,显示用户可要求机器人生成用 Python编码语言编写的恶意软件。


With great sadness, I come to inform everyone about the end of the WormGPT project. From the beginning, we never thought we would gain this level of visibility, and our intention was never to create something of this magnitude.
Initially, all the marketing surrounding the product revolved around the idea that it allowed for blackhat activities, meaning it wasn't a blackhat product itself but it enabled such activities (due to being an uncensored AI). However, we quickly realized that it would be much better to support both sides of the coin, so we shifted our focus.
Upon the release of WormGPT V2, we completely transformed the product. It ceased to be a tool that facilitated blackhat activities and became something uncensored, nothing more. Some platforms still retain the old texts, old designs, and so on, but if you visit the WormGPT thread on Hackforums, you'll see that it is no longer being marketed as a blackhat tool. We also made some adjustments, such as blocking excessively explicit content, gradually transitioning towards a semi-uncensored AI. Some of the content that was blocked was related to Business Email Compromises (BECs) and similar activities, carding, child pornography, and others.
A few days later, with all the project's publicity, we encountered numerous individuals from the media whose sole objective was to portray us as a dreadful, highly illegal, and above all, blackhat tool. Once again, we added more restrictions to WormGPT to create a more controlled environment. This time, we would block most of the creation of malware, phishing, and similar activities.
We feel that we are increasingly harmed by the media's portrayal. Even after all the changes and development, we continue to feel inadequate. In recent weeks, we even welcomed some researchers who wanted to use WormGPT for good, which greatly encouraged us and showed that we were finally heading in the right direction. However, with everything that has transpired recently, we find ourselves increasingly lacking the motivation to continue the project.
At the end of the day, WormGPT is nothing more than an unrestricted ChatGPT. Anyone on the internet can employ a well-known jailbreak technique and achieve the same, if not better, results by using jailbroken versions of ChatGPT. In fact, being aware that we utilize GPT-J 6B as the language model, anyone can utilize the same uncensored model and achieve similar outcomes to those of WormGPT.
So, why does the media not report on this? Why do they not highlight that any query posed to WormGPT could yield identical or even improved outcomes using ChatGPT? Why do they attempt to tarnish our reputation in this manner?
Today, the five of us, who are responsible for WormGPT, have come together and decided to put an end to the project, letting go of everything we believed in and distancing ourselves a bit from a society that opposes freedom of expression and code.
Thank you to all who believed in the project, to those who contributed to its growth, and above all, thanks to the members of Hackforums for providing us the strength to carry on its development. Regrettably, the world is not yet prepared to coexist with a tool of such vast freedom.